A basket of rewards.
Getting started with LoyaltyPro™ is the simplest process you can ever engage with. Our on-boarding process has been made very simple because of the type of industry that we serve and because of the type of people we are dealing with. In short, it was made with you in mind.
Send an email to start@loyaltypro.tech so that LoyaltyPro™ can call you back.
Our LoyaltyPro™ Sales Agent will give you a call and ask some few and simple questions.
Once our Sales Agent has receive your application then you will be screened.
Banking Details
Once we have screened your application then LoyaltyPro™ will send you our banking details.
Once you get our banking details, make a payment right away. You will pay three(3) months package. Which means if you are taking a P500 per month package then you will pay P1,500 at once.
Once we have received your payment. We will setup your account, which is your WhatsApp™ and website Portal toolkit.
Training - Phase 1
Once we have setup your account, then we take you into training by creating the first Member Registration(Member Personal Data Collection) campaign with you. On this training, we are also answering this question - "Who is liable to register on your Loyalty system?" The strategy of who is liable to join your loyalty program is defined by you. For example, you can register those who buy items that are worth more than P500 etc. The strategy is determined and designed by you as the retailer. LoyaltyPro™ has no right and power to decide for you. However, it is okay for us to advise if you allow us.
Training - Phase 2
Once we are done with Member Registration(Member Personal Data Collection) campaign, then it means we have customer WhatsApp™ numbers on our database. This is when we can start Signing-in to the system to capture how much money is each customer spending and on which goods or services. In this regard, every time the customer makes a payment the system generate points for her.
Launch and Activation
Every retailer has its own launch and activation strategy in place. In that regard every retailer must have a budget that is separate from the subscription costs of the LoyaltyPro™ system. The budget must be used for launching and activation of your Loyalty Program and Rewards system to your customers. You can either use Radio, Social Media, Flyers etc to advertise the launch of your Loyalty Program and Rewards management system.
LoyaltyPro Support
Our LoyaltyPro™ Customer Support will be waiting 24/7 to give you all the necessary support you need to get your Loyalty Program and Rewards management system up and running, 24/7 and 365 days a year.
Contact us
Get in Touch
Office No. 202, 2nd Floor, Central Square, CBD
3164276 / 73 768 835
Office Hours
Mon - Saturday
8:00AM to 20:00PM