A basket of rewards.
Your loyal customers, and when we say your loyal customers we mean the people who are keeping your brand alive, the people who can spell the name of your brand from "A" to "Z", even if you don't know them by their names, we are talking about the people you take money from. Do you know that, your loyal customers think you don't care about them, they think you would'nt even remember them when they come to your brand for their next purchase. You know nothing about them at all but yet everyday you exchange goods and services with them for their money.
Does this ring any bells or does it bother you at all. With LoyaltyPro™, your loyal customers become part of the family. The best thing for a loyal customer to hear from you is when you call them by their names or when you send them a happy birthday WhatsApp message.
LoyaltyPro™ is the only loyalty program and rewards management system that allows brands to effectively interact with their loyal customers and allows them do the following:
Get informed and make the right decisions.
65% of the average company’s business comes from existing customers.
75% of consumers prefer companies that offer rewards.
Rewards Programs
86% of customers are more loyal to the brands where they participate in rewards programs.
86% of loyal consumers will recommend a company to friends and family
Loyalty Program
83% of customers are more likely to continue doing business with a brand that has a loyalty program.
50% of consumers said that the primary reason they join loyalty programs is to earn rewards on everyday purchases
85% of Millennials believed that loyalty programs enhance their experience with a brand.
On average, 80% of profits come from 20% of customers.
50% of consumers said that the primary reason they join loyalty programs is to earn rewards on everyday purchases
Get informed and make the right decisions.
We have Monthly and Annual Subscription Plans.
Contact us
Get in Touch
Office No. 202, 2nd Floor, Central Square, CBD
3164276 / 73 768 835
Office Hours
Mon - Saturday
8:00AM to 20:00PM